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From Steve 2002 Message from Steve Xmas 2003 From Steve 2006 new album message Sept 2006 April 2007

1/30/2003 Hollywood California.

Hey all friends and fans. 
I just wanted to thank you guys for the amazing support and truly motivating messages that some of you have
left. It was great to get the chance to go out and play some great shows in 2002.
I am really proud of Carole & Dave for taking
SteveStevens.net to a new level. I hope to be adding some groovy things in the near future including a definitive photo gallery of all of my guitars. I will also update a links page of music gear i endorse, clothing designers i dig, and some interesting just plain wacky stuff.
On the Billy Idol front, we have been writing away like demons.
are some really exciting things going on but unfortunately, i can't say
too much about them right now. Stay tuned & surf safely.


All the best, Steve Stevens

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